Fundraising is Crucial
Citizenship, Service, and Leadership. The building blocks for our youth.
Outside influences and life experiences contribute to the values and beliefs we carry with us throughout our lives. In society today, there are too many opportunities for youth to make the wrong choices. While Scouting can't remove all the obstacles in life, it teaches our youth to stand up to challenges, manage risks and overcome obstacles. Today's youth need Scouting and Scouting, needs you. Support what counts — Citizenship, Service, and Leadership.
Why the Investment in the Friends of Scouting Campaign is Necessary?
The Investment in Family Friends of Scouting Campaign keeps Scouting an affordable, effective youth development program. It funds the council's infrastructure, or general operating portion of the budget, and provides a support system for the more than 2,400 co-ed youth, 1,200 volunteers and over 120 charter organizations that partner with the Katahdin Area Council